Saturday, January 27, 2007

New Scrap Tote

Just had to post a pic of my new scrap tote. I just love it!!!!!! I bought it a Scrapz at Jindalee after work the other day. Purely a spur of the moment purchase, but I just think it's great. It's got heaps of room in it..... tried fitting the usual stuff I'd take to a crop and it was perfect.

I must confess here and now that I am a bagoholic. I have so many bags and I drive Mark insane as they are stored all over the place. But you know you just can't really have too many bags can you? Boys just don't understand that you need a different sort of bag for different occassions. Ah well such is life!


Sandra said...

Love the new bag Terri. it's just not a boy thing is is, they just don't understand. lol

Jo said...

Men will never understand!! I love the handbag. If you ever feel the need to give it a new home, please remember me. lol


Anonymous said...

Hi Terri, what a gorgeous bag, I have to confess I love bags as well.

Love your reality scrap layout it really is gorgeous.

Have a great weekend.

Best Wishes